Disable mobsync.exe via group policy

Reading Time: < 1 minute

An easy way of preventing mobsync.exe from running on system startup.

1) Within your group policy, expand User Configuration
2) Expand Window Settings
3) Expand Security Settings
4) Expand Software Restrictions
5) Double click Additional Rules
6) Right click and click new path rule
7) Add %windir%\system32\mobsync.exe
8.) Follow step 6 again and add %windir%\system32\mobsync.exe

If you wish to disable mobsync.exe locally on a machine and not via group policy, click here

Disable mobsync.exe

Reading Time: < 1 minute

No one seems to have the answer to prevent sync center (mobsync.exe) from running on system startup on a Vista or Windows 7 machine. You check in msconfig, it’s not there, you check in your startup folder, not there.

If you’re not using the offline feature and wish to disable mobsync, Basil from reliancepc.com has created a free
tool to disable and reenable mobsync.exe. Thanks Basil. The tool basically amends permission on the.exe so it can not be launched.

Once disabled, you will need to log off and back on.

The tool created by Basil from reliancepc.com can be downloaded by clicking here. Run the exe to extract the files.

The download includes apps to disable and reenable mobsync.exe on Vista and Windows 7 machines. It also includes a script
which allows you to disable mobsync.exe only.

Another technique is to amend permissions on the mobsync.exe file manually so it’s unable to launch at system startup.

Two locations:




If you wish to prevent the application being used via group policy, click here.

Windows 7 update error 80246007

Reading Time: < 1 minute

When attempting to install Service pack or an update to your Windows 7 machine you receive error 80246007.

The below may help:


This tool is being offered because an inconsistency was found in the Windows servicing store which may prevent the successful installation of future updates, service packs, and software.

Windows 32 bit – http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/details.aspx?FamilyID=44e15787-66b0-4e9c-9c3b-1fc9ea40f69f

Windows 64 bit – http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/details.aspx?FamilyID=914fbc5b-1fba-4bae-a7c3-d2c47c6fcffc

Windows 7 unspecified error

Reading Time: < 1 minute

When right clicking a Windows 7 machine on a domain and clicking personalization you receive an error ‘unspecified error’.

This occurs due to ‘personalization’ not being accessible from the control panel.

To resolve this, access an existing group policy or create a new one.

1) Access User Configuration > Administrative Templates > Control Panel > Show only specified Control Panel items
2) Add Microsoft.Personalization
3) Log off Windows 7 machine, log back in and try again.