When right clicking a Windows 7 machine on a domain and clicking personalization you receive an error ‘unspecified error’.
This occurs due to ‘personalization’ not being accessible from the control panel.
To resolve this, access an existing group policy or create a new one.
1) Access User Configuration > Administrative Templates > Control Panel > Show only specified Control Panel items
2) Add Microsoft.Personalization
3) Log off Windows 7 machine, log back in and try again.
Thanks for sharing this post, now I can get rid of Windows unspecified error.
can you explain more detail on how to open Access User Configuration > Administrative Templates > Control Panel > Show only specified Control Panel items. Appreciate it.
Hi Dean
This is done via group policy. I have also amended the above post so it mentions group policy.
i tried, logged off and logged back, still the same error… i wanted to change the theme and desktop background, 1st time this error… i am running win7 ultimatee x64… please help!!