What is an Azure Virtual Network (VNet)?
An Azure Virtual Network also known as a VNet is a representation of your network in the cloud. It is a logical isolation of the Azure cloud dedicated to your subscription. You can use VNets to provision and manage virtual private networks (VPNs) in Azure and, optionally, link the VNets with other VNets in Azure known as VNET peering. You can also connect a VNET in Azure to your on premises IT infrastructure to create hybrid or cross premises solutions. Each VNet you create has its own CIDR block and can be linked to other VNets and on premises networks as long as the CIDR blocks do not overlap. You also have control of DNS server settings for VNets, and segmentation of the VNet into subnets.
You can use VNets to:
- Create a dedicated private cloud only VNet. Sometimes you don’t require a cross premises configuration for your solution. When you create a VNet, your services and VMs within your VNet can communicate directly and securely with each other in the cloud. You can still configure endpoint connections for the VMs and services that require Internet communication, as part of your solution.
- Securely extend your data center. With VNets, you can build traditional site to site (S2S) VPNs to securely scale your data centre capacity. S2S VPNs use IPSEC to provide a secure connection between your corporate VPN gateway and Azure.
- Enable hybrid cloud scenarios. VNets give you the flexibility to support a range of hybrid cloud scenarios. You can securely connect cloud based applications to any type of on premises system.
How to create an Azure Virtual Network step by step
- Login to the Azure portal via portal.azure.com
- Search for Virtual Network within the search bar, or click Create a resource and locate and click Virtual Network

3. Click Add

4. Complete details (Screenshot below for demo purposes), and click next

5. Complete the IP Addresses tab. For the purpose of this demo, I have completed the details as shown below, click next when done

6. Moving onto the Security tab, you will be provided with a few options. For the purpose of this demo, I will leave the defaults but I have provided links to each feature below.
DDos Standard Protection

7. For the purpose of this demo no tags will be used. You can click the following link to find out more about Azure tags

8. Click Review and create and then create. You’re done with your first basic VNET creation. Give it a try in your test Azure portal. Microsoft also offer a free 30 day trial you can take benefit of. Click Azure Free Trial