Continuing from the previous post where I used Azure Files for FSLogix User Profile Data with WVD, I will now continue with creating a group policy for FSLogix settings, installing the FSLogix service and testing. You can check out the previous post by clicking the following link Use Azure Files for FSlogix User Profile Data with Window Virtual Desktop
Before we get started, download the FSLogix templates from
The files will be required to allow you to configure FSLogix Group Policy settings.

- I start with logging into my domain controller and launch AD Users and Computers
- I created a new OU named WVD Session Hosts

3. I created a couple of WVD session hosts in a previous blog post. The blog post can be located at Deploying Windows Virtual Desktop in Microsoft Azure
I move the two hosts to my newly created OU. By default the sessions hosts were created in the Computers OU

4. ok, so both session hosts are now included in the new OU WVD Session Hosts

5. Now, back to the FSLogix files we downloaded at the beginning of this post
6. Copy the fslogix.admx file and paste it to your domain sysvol folder. As shown below.
In my case i will be browsing to:
and will copy my admx file here as shown below. I had to create the PolicyDefinitions folder because this is a new domain controller. You may already have this folder in place.

7. Next i will copy the language file fslogix.adml file

I will copy this file to folder en-US. A folder didn’t exist because this is a new domain controller.

8. Next launch Group Policy
9. Create a new policy. I have named my policy FSLogix Profiles

10. Right click and edit the policy

11. Expand Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > FSLogix and click Profile Containers

12. Firstly, i’ll enable FSLogix
Double click Enabled and click enable, Save

13. Next I will set the VHD location to where the FSLogix profiles will be stored. Don’t forget to add your profiles folder to the end of the path. Save settings

14. Then click Size in MBs

The default is 30GB, we’ll change to 20GB and save settings

15. Next, i click on Delete local profile when FSLogix Profile should apply

16. Click container and directory naming

17. Access Swap directory name components and enable as show below. Save

18. Next click virtual disk type, configure (Select VHDX) as shown below and save

That’s it for configuring the GPO
19. I will now link the GPO to the OU i created earlier

20. Now we’re ready to install the FSLogix client. So, I have two Windows 10 session hosts that were deployed as part of a previous blog post. You can check the post at the following link Deploying Windows Virtual Desktop in Azure
I’m going to RDP to both and install the FSLogix client. If you have a base image also known as a gold image, the application can be deployed to the the base image. I will cover this in a separate blog post.
Here is what i did to install the FSLogix App
1. RDP to both Windows Session Hosts from my domain controller
2. Visit and to download the FSLogix client
3. Extract the folder
4. Access the folders named x64 > Release
5. Run the FSLogixAppsSetup file
6. When ready to accept license agreement, click install

7. Run gpupdate /force
– Open command prompt on the session hosts
– Type gpupdate /force and enter
– Log off both hosts
8. Now the moment has arrived. We will be testing FSLogix
Login options via
– Download and configure the Windows Virtual Desktop Client
9. Login with a user part of the WVD Users group
10. Let’s create a couple of test folders on the desktop

11. Now i need to log off and back on, but this time I want to logon to the second session host. I will enable drain mode on the host I am currently logged on to. Drain mode means that the session will not accept sessions. Similar to Maintenance mode in Citrix.
12. To enable drain mode on the WVD session host that i am currently logged onto:
– Log in to the Azure Portal
– Click Windows Virtual Desktop
– Click Host Pools
– Click on the host pool
– Click Session hosts from the left pane
– Click the session host showing an active session

13. Enable Drain mode

14. Log off and log back on

15. And here are the two folders we created on the desktop

16. Now lets access the Azure file share and check the profile

I am logged onto the second host, whilst Drain mode is enabled on the other host

Stay tuned for further WVD posts 🙂