Exchange 2007 – number of emails sent and received internally

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Using Exchange Powershell you can run the below command to obtain the number of emails sent internally between users. The below script will output the results into a text file and store it on disk C.

Amend the code as required. Amend to your internal domain and the dates you require the report running. Please note that the script may take a while to run if you decide to extend the dates.

get-messagetrackinglog -ResultSize unlimited -Start “01/04/2010 00:00:00” -End “30/04/2010 23:59:00” | where {$_.Sender -like “*“}  | where {$_.Recipients -like “*“} > “C:\emailcount.txt”

If you are copying and pasting the above code, you may need to re enter the speech marks ( ” )

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