Agent does not connect to MOM Server

Reading Time: < 1 minute

If you experience issues where your client is not showing up on your MOM console and you have configured MOM correctly, look for event ID 26009
within your application event log on the client machine.
Its highly likely that you have not opened port 1270 on your firewall.

Open port 1270 and another event ID should appear. Event ID 26021 – The agent has restored communication to MOMservername.

Also, check that your registry settings are correct – see

And the correct firewall ports are open – see

Install Forefront Client Security with MOM switch

Reading Time: < 1 minute

To install Forefront Client Security manually with the options for the client machine to contact the MOM Server (managed), run the below command:

Browse to the folder within command prompt to where clientsetup.exe resides.

Type the following  – clientsetup.exe /CG ForefrontClientSecurity /MS MOMServerName and press enter

In most cases /CG is ForefrontClientSecurity but may be different depending on what you originally set it to.

Without MOM

To install without MOM so the client is unmanaged, type clientsetup.exe /nomom

More managed computers in group than MOM licenses

Reading Time: < 1 minute

If you receive the below message:

‘There are more managed computer in the managment group than specified MOM management licenses’

1) Open MOM administrator Console
2) Expand Administration
3) Click Global Settings
4) Double click licenses
5) Click the licenses tab
6) Under ‘Licenses Purchased’ type the number of licenses you have purchased and click OK