Most new Vista machines experience issues when a user/admin attempts to install Windows Updates. This is due to the Windows Updates Service not running.
To resolve:
1) Click Start
2) Click run and type services.msc, click OK or press enter
3) Locate the Windows Updates service, right click and click properties
4) Set the service to automatic and click ok
5) Right click the service and click start
Try Windows Updates again
In truth, immediately i didn’t understand the essence. But after re-reading all at once became clear.
Thank you! You often write very interesting articles. You improved my mood.
Another interesting article from your blog 🙂 When will it stop….hopefully never
was not able to down windows updates for vista Thanks Rick ps.canu help
Could you please provide some details? What happens when you try downloading Windows Updates? Any errors?
Cool post very informative I just found your site and read through a few posts although this is my first comment, i’ll be including it in my favorites and visit again for sure
Just wanted to say, worked perfectly. Thankyou