Replicating print driver xenapp 6.5

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Launch Powershell on a source server (ZDC server often used) as administrator. Ensure the status bar states ‘administrator’

Note, if copying the command from point 8 below, you may need to reenter the speech marks ( ” )

1) UNC path to your print server and install the printer. This will allow for the print driver to be installed on your source server (ZDC)
2) Type: Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
3) Press Enter twice
4) Type the letter ‘Y’ and enter
5) Type: Add-PSSnapIn Citrix.*
6) Press Enter
7) Type Get-XAPrinterDriver –Servername XenappServername (Where XenappServername is your source server e.g. ZDC) – This command will list all drivers installed on your source server. Including the new driver)
8) Finally, type: Add-XAAutoReplicatedPrinterDriver “Print Driver Name” -SourceServerName XenappServername (Where XenappServername is your source server e.g. ZDC)
9) To display a list of drivers currently within your replication list type: Get-XAAutoReplicatedPrinterDriver
10) Replication throughout the farm can take up to 20 minutes

Installing Xenapp 6.5 instructions

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Before going through these instructions, ensure you have created your Citrix IMA database, have decided what farm name and zone name you are going to use if this is going to be the first Xenapp server within the farm.

Personally, i would setup in the following order, just so you have an idea of what needs to be done:

1) SQL server – create IMA database
2) Setup up licensing on an existing or dedicated server (probably existing). This role can be installed by launching setup from the Xenapp media, installing common components and then installing licensing. Import your license you purchased from Citrix.
3) Setup a dedicated server for ZDC
4) Install first Xenapp server, the first server will always be selected as most prefered for ZDC. This can be changed later by right clicking your zone within your farm (via app centre)
5) Install additional Xenapp servers if required and add to existing farm
6) Install web interface on dedicated server. This can be done by launching setup and installing common components

1) Launch Xenapp 6.5 setup from your media

Xenapp 6.5

2) If prompted click yes to installing .net SP

3) Click Add server roles


4) On the next screen, select your Xenapp edition. Platinum, Enterprise or Advanced, depends on what you have purchased.

5) Accept the agreement and click next

6) Click Xenapp and next (Assuming it’s just a Xenapp server)


7) On the next screen, click the required components. The top three are ticked by default. The optional component  is the XML service IIS integration.

The Citrix XML service is a component of Citrix XenApp and XenDesktop that is used to total available resources and provide secure tickets for users who use the WebInterface or CloudGateway. The Citrix XML service is mainly used to provide users access to their applications and desktops via a web portal, leveraging the services of WebInterface.

See screen shot below.


 8) Review prerequistes and click next

9) Click Install and finish when prompted

10) Click reboot


11) After server reboots, logon and launch setup again, click Install Xenapp Server and the below screen will appear giving you the option to resume the install. Click resume install


12) Click install and finish when done

13) Click specify licensing and enter your licensing server details. Test connection. If you have not yet setup a licensing server, click configure later. You can enter licensing server later by launching setup again.


14) On the next screen, select your licensing model. Most likely going to be Xenapp as the other two are Xendesktop.

15) On the next screen click configure


16) Select your option, if this is a new install and your first Xenapp server, you will need to create a new farm.


17) If it’s a new farm enter your chosen farm name. (We will continue with adding the server to a farm which already exists). Click add this server to an existing farm and then add server to an Existing Microsoft SQL server database.

18) Enter your SQL server name and IMA database and enter your service account and password. Test the connection. If it fails, your windows firewall on your SQL server may be the cause.

19) Leave the default of Allow shadowing of user sessions on this server (depends on if this is a requirement). Click next

20)  Click use custom zone name and enter the zone name if it already exists, or enter a new one. The newly created zone name will need to be used on all new xenapp servers added to the farm unless you have different zones.

21) On the remote desktop users tab, you could leave as default but you may want to untick if you control this through group policy.

22) Click next and finish

You may wish to install the latest Citrix rollup pack.

Please note, this procedure was created whilst installing Xenapp on a test environment. Please carry out testing and further checks.

Cannot connect to the Xenapp server. SSL Error 43. The proxy denied access to port 1494

Reading Time: < 1 minute

When launching a published app on Xenapp such as Remote Desktop, you receive an error similar to the one below.

Cannot connect to the Xenapp server. SSL Error 43. The proxy denied access to port 1494

This is highly likely due to your firewall blocking access or you have published the application to a Xenapp server which has not had the required ports opened.

Disable Citrix Desktop Wall Paper

Reading Time: < 1 minute

1) Launch Citrix App Centre
2) Click policies
3) Click user policies
4) Located Desktop Wallpaper
5) Change to Prohibited. See screen shot below.

If you wish to set a blue wall paper for Citrix users:

1) Launch Group Policy Management console
2) Create a new policy or amend an existing
3) Expand User Configuration, Policies, Administrative Templates, Control Panel, Personalization
4) Double click ‘Force a specific visual style file or force Windows Classic’
5) Set to enable

Multiple Desktop Sessions Citrix XenApp 6.5

Reading Time: < 1 minute

When a user accesses a published Citrix Desktop via web interface, there is a chance they launch two desktops even though the allowed limit is set to one. Due to the user double clicking the published desktop icon quickly they may bypass the limit whilst Citrix Xenapp catches up.

Users rapidly clicking on published application icons can initiate multiple sessions prior to the application instance counter getting updated.

 There are two articles from Citrix which resolve this issue. See links below: (The registry fix here will  only work with published apps.)