Windows Media Videos buffer and timeout

Reading Time: 2 minutes

You launch a Windows media video via a website. The video buffers for a couple of minutes or more and then stops. You use a proxy server.

Firstly, Window Media Player does not support proxy addresses with fully qualified domain names. This may change with newer versions. If you use a

proxy server and is set to something like ‘’ within Internet Explorer, amend this so it’s just server (without the

 Try again. If issue still exists follow the instructions below:

1) Launch Window Media Player on your machine
2) Click Tools
3) Click Options
4) Click the network tab
5) Under Streaming proxy Settings, by default you should have http set to browser and MMS, RTSP set to none.
6) Click on http and click the button configure
7) Click use the following proxy server and type your proxy server name (just the servername) and the port.
8.) Click OK and OK again
9) Close and reopen Internet Explorer and try again

If the issue still exists, try the below

1) Launch Window Media Player on your machine
2) Click Tools
3) Click Options
4) Click the network tab
5) Under Streaming proxy Settings, click http and click the configure button.
6) Select Do not use a proxy and click OK
7) Click MMS and click the configure button
8.) select Use the following proxy server and enter your proxy details
9) Click OK
10) Click RTSP and click the configure button
11) Select Use the following Proxy server and enter your proxy details.
12) Click OK and OK again
13) Close and reopen Internet Explorer and try again

If the issue still exists setup monitoring on your firewall to monitor what’s going on whilst you play videos. You may also want to run tools such as wire shark on the machine you are attempting to run the video from.

 If the issue still exists, and if you have a third party such as Websense filtering your Internet traffic, give them a call.