How to check Exchange 2007 send receive limits via Exchange Management Shell

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Below command will display both max receive and max send size
get-transportconfig | fl M*ze

Below command will display max receive size
get-ReceiveConnector | ft Id*,M*ze

Below command will display max send size
Get-SendConnector | ft Id*, M*ze


To Alter the limit, the commands are below, but would recommend you change this via the Exchange Management console if you have SP1 and above installed

This will change the receive limit. Input figure as required.
Set-ReceiveConnector ” ” -MaxMessageSize MB

This will change the send limit. Input figure as required.
Set-SendConnector ” ” -MaxMessageSize MB

Migrating mailbox from Exchange 2007 SP2/SP3 to Exchange 2010 SP1

Reading Time: < 1 minute

When you attempt to migrate a mailbox stored on Exchange 2007 to Exchange 2010, you receive the below errors:

Error occurred in the step: Preparing mailbox to be moved. Failed to copy basic mailbox information with error:  A duplicate mailbox was found due to problems during a Move Mailbox procedure. The duplicate mailbox has been deleted.
Try again later., error code: -1056749241


Error occurred in the step: Opening destination mailbox. An internal processing error due to a bad parameter has occurred.
Try restarting the Exchange System Manager or the Microsoft Exchange Information Store service, or both., error code: -1056696538

Logon to Exchange 2010 server and move the mailbox from there. Works without errors.

Remove all disconnected mailboxes Exchange 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute

To remove all disconnected Exchange 2007 mailboxes one by one or the option to remove them all at once, launch Exchange 2007 powershell comand and run the below command titled ‘Command to remove disconnected Exchange 2007 mailboxes’.   (Amend server and database name as required)

Before the removal of each mailbox you will be prompted to confirm deletion, choose the option to delete one by one. So after running the command type ‘y’ and press enter, check that your disconnected mailbox count reduces, then you will be prompted to confirm deletion again, do the same again. You could do them all at once, but I prefer to do one at a time.

Command to remove disconnected Exchange 2007 mailboxes:

Get-MailboxStatistics -database “servername here\mailbox database name” | where {$_.disconnectdate -ne $null} | foreach {Remove-mailbox -database $_.database -storemailboxidentity $_.mailboxguid}

Command to list all Exchange 2007 disconnected mailboxes:

Get-MailboxStatistics | where-object { $_.DisconnectDate -ne $null } | Select DisplayName,MailboxGuid

Disconnected mailbox folder empty?

If the disconnected mailbox folder within Exchange 2007 is empty, run the below command (replace database name as required)

Clean-MailboxDatabase “Database Name”

To confirm your mail box database name, run the below command:

get-mailbox database

Potential Database Corruption as result of installing SP3 Rollup Pack 3 Exchange 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Over the weekend, the Exchange Product Group was made aware of an issue which may lead to database corruption if you are running Exchange 2007 Service Pack 3 with Update Rollup 3 (Exchange 2007 SP3 RU3). Specifically, the issue was introduced in Exchange 2007 SP3 RU3 by a change in how the database is grown during transaction log replay when new data is written to the database file and there are no available free pages to be consumed.

This issue is of specific concern in two scenarios: 1) when transaction log replay is performed by the Replication Service as part of ensuring the passive database copy is up-to-date and/or 2) when a database is not cleanly shut down and recovery occurs.

Read more – click here (Date posted 29/03/2011)

These files have .bad extensions. Please look for .bad files, and make sure that the content is valid.

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Computer:  Server
Source:       MSExchangeTransport
Category:  Pickup
Type:         Error
Event ID:  9010
Description: At lease one file in C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\TransportRoles\Pickup cannot be processed. These files have .bad extensions. Please look for .bad files, and make sure that the content is valid.
This Error event indicates that one or more message files that have been classified as badmail exist in the Pickup directory or in the Replay directory. A message that is classified as badmail has serious formatting errors that prevent the Pickup directory or the Replay directory from submitting the message for delivery. Message files that are determined to be badmail are left in the Pickup directory or the Replay directory and are renamed from filename.eml to filename.bad.
User Action
To resolve this error, do one of the following:

If you want to discard the message files that have been classified as badmail, you can simply delete the message files from the specified location.

If you want to fix and resubmit the message files that were classified as badmail, follow these steps:

Move the message files that have been classified as badmail from the specified directory to a different location.

Change the file name extensions from .bad to .eml.

Resolve the errors in the message files.

Copy the message files back into the specified directory for delivery

More Info at: 

Understanding the Pickup and Replay Directories

Event ID 9010