After restoring a mailstore to a Recovery Storage Group within Exchange 2003, you are unable to exmerge a mailbox and receive one of the below errors.
Error 1
Error 8007203a opening an LDAP connection. (‘LDAP://server/rootDSE’) (CADRoutines::GetNamingContextData)
Error opening message store (MSEMS). Verify that theMicrosoft Exchange Information Store service is running and that you have the correct permissions to log on. (0x8004011d)
Error 3
You may also receive permission errors within the event log.
1) Check the account you are attempting to exmerge is enabled and visible in the Global Address List (Untick hide from exchange address list, under Exchange Advanced Tab within AD account)
2) Right click on the store within the recovery storage group
3) Click properties and then the security tab
4) Remove the tick box to allow permissions to be inherited from above. You will receive a message about multiple mailboxes permissions being amended, click OK
5) Now go through each account and amend any with send and ‘receive ’ which will be set to deny. You will need to change these to allow.
6) Ensure the account you are logged onto the Exchange server with is listed with full control or is part of one of the groups listed such as domain admins
7) Apply settings
8.) Try exmerge again
9) Once done, if you enabled the account in step 1, disable again.