In this blog post, i will create a WVD application group within the Azure Portal. Application groups are a collection of remote applications that you can present to a user or group of users. Please note that this applies to a pooled host pool.
In an earlier post i deployed a WVD solution. See Deploying Windows Virtual Desktop in Microsoft Azure
1. Login to the Azure Portal
2. Click Windows Virtual Desktop
3. Click Application Groups

4. Click + Add

5. Input details (See example below). Ensure you use the same resource group as your host pool location

6. Click next to move on to the applications section
7. Click + Add Applications

8. Add your applications as required. Options available are to add an application from start menu, file path or an MSIX App.

For the purpose of this demo, I have added the apps below

9. Click Next to move onto Assignments
10. Click + Add Azure AD users or groups

11. For the purpose of this demo, i am adding a single user cloud build user 1 synced to Azure AD via Azure AD Connect

12. Click next to move onto the workspace section
13. Click Yes

14. Add tags as required and click next
15. Review and click create once validation passes. The process takes about a minute
Let’s test by logging in with user cloud build 1 which was the only user that I assigned to the application group.
The applications are visible as show below