Unable to start Secure Gateway Service – Certificate is not valid for current date

Reading Time: < 1 minute


You have renewed your Citrix ssl certificate but find your external users are no longer able to access citrix.
You receive a page can not be displayed error.
You are also unable to start the Secure Gateway Service and receive the below error:

Certificate supplied is not valid for current date

The new certificate must be selected through the Citrix CSG configuration service wizard before the service will start

1) Access the CSG configuration service wizard through start>programs>citrix on the CSG server
2) Click next until you reach the certificates window
3) Select the new certificate from the list, click next, next and finish to start the Secure Gateway Service

How to remove old Citrix SSL certificates from CSG server

Reading Time: < 1 minute

When you go through the CSG configuration service wizard, you can view the historical csg certificates which are no longer reequired.

To remove:

1) Logon to the CSG server
2) Click start
3) Click run
4) Type mmc and click OK
5) Click file and add/remove snapin
6) Click the add button
7) Select certificates and click Add
8.) Select Computer Account, click next and finish
9)  Click Close and then click OK
10) Expand Certificates (local computer)
11) Expand the folder named Personal and click Certificates
12) All certificates will appear. Take a backup of any old certificates just incase and do not delete the new certificate.

Citrix Load Evaluator Memory/CPU Utilization at 100%

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Citrix Load Evaluator Memory/CPU Utilization at 100%

If you come across one or more of your Citrix Servers Load Evaluator reporting memory/cpu utilization at 100% but there is no one logged onto the server. A possible cause is a patch which was applied to the server. Try the below to  resolve:

1) Copy the following file from a Citrix server which is working %systemroot%\System32\Perfstringbackup.ini to the same location on server experiencing  the issue.
2) Open a command prompt on the server experiencing issues and type lodctr /R:perfstringbackup.ini
3) Reboot the server

The above should resolve the issue. If not follow http://support.microsoft.com/kb/300956 to rebuild the Performance Counter Library.