New users not appearing in BES

Reading Time: < 1 minute

You have setup a new user account and mailbox but can not locate when trying to create a new user on your Blackberry server.

1) Check that your blackberry mailstore service is running. If not start it. This service is manual and usually starts once per day.
2) Login to Blackberry Administration Service
3) Click Create Users
4) Click search without any criteria
5) A list of users should appear, scroll to the bottom of the page
6) Click ‘Refresh available user list from company directory’
7) Wait 15 minutes and the user should appear

BlackBerry Message Receipt Confirmation Tool requirements

Reading Time: < 1 minute

If you’re trying to start the above service on a bes server and experiencing issues starting with the below errors, the below info may be helpful to you.

1) Could not connect to Service Control Manager at
2) Windows could not start the BlackBerry Message Receipt Confirmation Tool on Local Computer
3) The BlackBerry Message Receipt Confirmation Tool service terminated with service-specific error 0 (0×0).

BlackBerry® Enterprise Server
 You must run the BlackBerry Message Receipt Confirmation Tool on a computer that is separate from the BlackBerry Enterprise Server components.
BlackBerry Message Receipt Confirmation Tool service and client
 You must run the BlackBerry Message Receipt Confirmation Tool service (messageconfirmservice.exe) and the BlackBerry Message Receipt Confirmation Tool client (messageconfirmconfig.exe) on the same computer.

Blackberry server not processing emails after network outage

Reading Time: < 1 minute

You have had a network Outage, switch failure etc. You find that your Exchange server is still processing emails but email sent to or via your Blackberry device is not processed.

This is due to your Blackberry server losing communication with the Exchange server.

A quick fix, restart your Exchange server and then restart your Blackberry server in order. Or restart Exchange services and then Blackberry services.

Wait 10 minutes and try again