Migrate Blackberry accounts to new server

Reading Time: 3 minutes

This was tested on a Blackberry Enterprise Express install. After migrating an account, your Blackberry device should continue functioning as normal without you doing any further config work or activation. Ensure you have setup BES correctly and opened the required ports on your firewall.

1) Download and install Blackberry Enterprise Server Resource Kit

2) Launch Blackberry Enterprise Transporter

3) The below screen will appear: (Click images to enlarge)

4) Click New, type a name and click save.

5) Next, click configure under Source Domain

6) Add details of your BES/SQL server at the source (The server you want to migrate accounts from).

7) When, done click the button ‘Test Connection’ and ensure it is successful before you move to the next step

8.) Do the same for Destination Domain (Server you want to migrate accounts to)

9) When done click on the details button

10) Click find users and search for the account or accounts you wish to migrate. I would recommend you migrate a test account to ensure it works after.

11) Apply I.T Policy from the drop down as required. You will only find the default one.

12) Click the button ‘Apply to Selected’

13) Click the button ‘Done’

14) Click on the console tab. You may get promped to type a domain account. Use the besadmin account.

15) If there are warnings you will not be able to migrate as the button will be greyed out. But click the tick box ignore warnings and cthe option will appear. Click migrate.

Your blackberry device should continue functioning as normal without you doing any further config work or activation. Ensure you have setup BES correctly and opened the required ports on your firewall.
