Azure Portal Menu Options Auto Collapsed

Reading Time: 2 minutes

You may have noticed that when accessing, your menu options automatically collapse and are hidden as per the image below.

Whereas previously your menu items looked like the example in the image below, known as expanded, where all menu options were visible.

You can expand the menu items by clicking on the collapse all headers icon as shown in the image below, but this is a temporary setting, as the menu options will auto collapse again when you log out of the portal or whilst browsing around the portal.

The good news is that it is possible to disable this feature.

How to auto expand menu items in the Azure Portal

  1. Click on the settings icon located in the top right of the Azure Portal

2. From the left pane, click Appearance + startup views

3. Click the option Expanded

4. Click the apply button to save changes

That’s it. A short post you may find useful.

See you at the next post