Installing Windows Vista/Windows 7 driver on Windows 2003/2008 server

Reading Time: < 1 minute

You’re trying to install a 32 bit driver for Windows 7/Vista onto a 32/64 Windows 2003/2008 server.

When you try to install the driver, you receive errors such as:

“The specified location does not contain the driver for the requested processor architecture”

To get around this:

1) Open the Print Management console located under administrative tools on your Vista/Windows 7 machine
2) Right click Print Server and click Add/Remove Servers
3) Add your print server and click OK
4) Expand your printer in the left hand pane
5) Right click drivers and click on ‘add print driver’
6) Click Next
7) Select x86 and unselect the others
8.) Click next
9) This will display the drivers on the current Vista/Windows 7 machine
10) Select the driver on your Windows Vista/7 machine you wish to install on the print server
11) Click Next
12) The print driver will now install to the print server

Done. Not a great way of getting around this issue, but does the trick.