When you right click on a service, click properties and access the dependencies tab, you receive the below error:
Error: win32 access denied
This worked for me:
1) Right click ‘Remote Procedure Call (RPC) service’
2) Click properties
3) Click the logon tab
4) Switch the ‘log on as’ from network service to local service
5) Restart the machine
This was excellent; it did the trick after I looked through a bunch of Microsoft suggestions, other troubleshooting boards, etc.
I had installed a plain vanilla Windows XP SP3 on a new Dell Optiplex 780, followed by the minimal Dell drivers. Then I ran all Windows updates several times until there weren’t any more to run. Then I put it on AD network and added McAfee. That’s it. A day later, I lost my Network Connections icon, even though my fixed IP was still good; however, my Windows firewall had been turned on somehow, making it impossible to ping the machine or reconfigure its IP info. My COM+ service and one other were locked in “Starting” mode. That’s when I saw that I couldn’t look at the Dependencies for any service. Once I followed the directions of this post (change the logon for RPC to LocalSystem and reboot), everything was automatically fixed and restored.
Thanks very much,
Thanks a LOT,
Work for me to!
On Server 2003 R2
Also had a Windows Server 2003 R2 doing the same thing. Changing Remote Procedure Call (RPC) service to a local service login worked after a reboot. Thank you!