Remove temporary files from all profiles via script

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The below script will remove temporary internet files and temp files from user profiles located on a Windows PC or server.

Copy the below code and rename with a .bat extension. e.g. remove.bat

Please test on a PC before providing to a live environment.

REM @echo off
REM – This script searches through profiles and removes temporary internet files and temp files.

set HDRIVE=c:
set HPATH=Documents and Settings

cd \%HPATH%
REM – This line sets up the loop for the script
for /d %%i in (*) do call :ifthen %%i

goto end

REM – The below command checks for the temporary internet files directory.

 if exist “%HDRIVE%\%HPATH%\%1\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5” call :ContentDelete1 %1
 if exist “%HDRIVE%\%HPATH%\%1\windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5” call :ContentDelete2 %1
 if exist “%HDRIVE%\%HPATH%\%1\Local Settings\temp” call :TempDelete %1
goto :EOF
REM – The below code removes all folders located at ‘Profile\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5’
REM – It then returns back to the line that it was called from.

 cd “%HDRIVE%\%HPATH%\%1\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5”
 if exist “%HDRIVE%\%HPATH%\%1\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5” for /d %%n in (*) do rd /s /q “%%n”
 if exist “%HDRIVE%\%HPATH%\%1\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5” del /q “%HDRIVE%\%HPATH%\%1\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\*”
 goto :EOF

REM – The below code removes all folders located at ‘windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5’
 cd “%HDRIVE%\%HPATH%\%1\windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5”
 if exist “%HDRIVE%\%HPATH%\%1\windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5” for /d %%n in (*) do rd /s /q “%%n”
 if exist “%HDRIVE%\%HPATH%\%1\windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5” del /q “%HDRIVE%\%HPATH%\%1\windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\*”

goto :EOF

REM – The below code removes all folders located at ‘windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5’
 cd “%HDRIVE%\%HPATH%\%1\Local Settings\Temp”
 if exist “%HDRIVE%\%HPATH%\%1\Local Settings\Temp” for /d %%n in (*) do rd /s /q “%%n”
 if exist “%HDRIVE%\%HPATH%\%1\Local Settings\Temp” del /q “%HDRIVE%\%HPATH%\%1\Local Settings\Temp\*”

goto :EOF


5 thoughts on “Remove temporary files from all profiles via script

  1. Thankyou for a working script.
    I have looked all over but the ones i find never work.

    Worked first time round, thankyou

  2. This informal summary assited me very much! Bookmarked your blog, extremely great topics everywhere that I read here! I really appreciate the information, thank you.

  3. Great script!!!!

    I took your script and modified this for windows 7 if anyone is interested. Add more directories in the script if you wish. This is better than ccleaner because it goes through all the profiles rather than the one you are logged into

    REM @echo off
    REM – This script searches through profiles and removes temporary internet files and temp files.

    set HDRIVE=c:
    set HPATH=Users

    cd \%HPATH%
    REM – This line sets up the loop for the script
    for /d %%i in (*) do call :ifthen %%i

    goto end

    REM – The below command checks for the temporary internet files directory.

    if exist “%HDRIVE%\%HPATH%\%1\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files” call :ContentDelete1 %1
    if exist “%HDRIVE%\%HPATH%\%1\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5” call :ContentDelete2 %1
    if exist “%HDRIVE%\%HPATH%\%1\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Low\Content.IE5” call :ContentDelete3 %1
    if exist “%HDRIVE%\%HPATH%\%1\AppData\Local\Temp” call :ContentDelete4 %1

    goto :EOF


    cd “%HDRIVE%\%HPATH%\%1\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files”
    if exist “%HDRIVE%\%HPATH%\%1\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files” del /q /f “%HDRIVE%\%HPATH%\%1\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\*”
    goto :EOF


    cd “%HDRIVE%\%HPATH%\%1\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5”
    if exist “%HDRIVE%\%HPATH%\%1\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5” for /d %%n in (*) do rd /s /q “%%n”
    if exist “%HDRIVE%\%HPATH%\%1\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5” del /q /s /f “%HDRIVE%\%HPATH%\%1\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\*”
    goto :EOF


    cd “%HDRIVE%\%HPATH%\%1\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Low\Content.IE5”
    if exist “%HDRIVE%\%HPATH%\%1\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Low\Content.IE5” for /d %%n in (*) do rd /s /q “%%n”
    if exist “%HDRIVE%\%HPATH%\%1\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Low\Content.IE5” del /q /s /f “%HDRIVE%\%HPATH%\%1\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Low\Content.IE5\*”
    goto :EOF


    cd “%HDRIVE%\%HPATH%\%1\AppData\Local\Temp”
    if exist “%HDRIVE%\%HPATH%\%1\AppData\Local\Temp” for /d %%n in (*) do rd /s /q “%%n”
    if exist “%HDRIVE%\%HPATH%\%1\AppData\Local\Temp” del /q /s /f “%HDRIVE%\%HPATH%\%1\AppData\Local\Temp\*”
    goto :EOF


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