The below script will allow you to output ip details for multiple servers on a network.
You will need powershell v2 installed and the PsExec executable
Copy & paste the following into Powershell amending the paths as required.
$inputfile = ‘C:\serverslist.txt’ #this is the file containing the list of server host names, one per line
$outputfolder = ‘C:\outputfolder\’ #this is the folder where the output text files will be stored
set-alias psexec ‘C:\PsExec.exe’ #this is the path to the free Sysinternals PsExec tool, available from
$servers=Get-Content $inputfile #get list of server hostnames
$serverscount = $servers.count;$i=0 #set values for progress counter
foreach ($server in $servers) { #loop systematically through each server in the intput file
$i++ #increment progress counter
Write-Progress -Activity “Checking servers for IPconfig and static route info” -Status “Querying:” -percentcomplete ((($i-1) / $serverscount)*100) -CurrentOperation “$server ($i of $serverscount)” #display progress to the end user
$serverUNC = “\\” + $server #PsExec requires server names to have \\ in front of them
$ipconfigoutput = & PsExec $serverUNC ipconfig /all #Connect to remote server using PsExec and run ipconfig /all
$routeprintoutput = & PsExec $serverUNC route print #Connect to remote server user PsExec and run route print
$outputfilename = $outputfolder+$server+”.txt” #generate file name based on server name
($ipconfigoutput + $routeprintoutput) | out-file $outputfilename #output data to text file
Thanks to Nadeem Ahmed for providing this script