Metabase Update failed replication 5 times with error 80070003

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If you receive the below error continuosly within your event log. (Tested with Exchange 2000 running on Windows 2000)


Event Type:      Warning
Event Source:      MSExchangeMU
Event Category:      General
Event ID:      1040
User:            N/A
Computer:      KPI
Metabase Update failed replication 5 times with error 80070003 (The system cannot find the path specified.). Please change the diagnostic logging level of MSExchangeMU to ‘minimum’ or greater to find the source of the problem.

Possible resolution:

Try the below to fix:

1) Backup the IIS metabase
2) Stop the Ms exchange System Attendant service
3) Using Meta Edit delete/rename the DS2MB key (Metaedit is a free tool)
4) Using Meta Edit delete/rename the key SMTPSVC/1/domain
5) Restart the Ms Exchange System Attendant service
6) The above keys will be recreated

If the above does not help to resolve your issue, clcik here

Important: Take a backup and be careful with what you delete or rename

One thought on “Metabase Update failed replication 5 times with error 80070003

  1. Pingback: Tarique

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