Failed to initialize swap file busy ESXI 4.1

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When trying to power on a VM within Vpshere client, you receive an error ‘Failed to initialize swap file busy’

This is caused by locked files.

To resolve:

1) Locate which ESXi server and Datstore the .vmx is stored
2) Login to your ESXi server using SSH/Putty  (If you need to enable remote access via SSH see )
3) Type cd (location of .vmx file) and press enter (For example) cd /vmfs/volumes/EVA_EXAMPLE_R1/Servername
4) Type ls -la and press enter (This lists all files within the selected folder)
5) Look for any files end with .lck (if they exist this is what may be causing issues when attempting to power on your VM)
6) Ensure there are no other files with extensions starting with letter the letter l otherwise you will end up deleting these. To delete the .lck files type rm .l* and press enter
7) Power your machine on
8.) If you receive the following error when powering on VM ‘Cannot open the disk or one of the snapshot disks it depends on’ go to step 9
9) Migrate the machine to a different esxi host and try again

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