To delete files from a folder older then 21 days for example, copy the below code into a notepad and save as .vbs. e.g. RemoveOldFiles.vbs
Set the number of days as required, the below script is set to delete files older than 21 days from location c:\test
Script below:
On Error Resume Next
Set fso = CreateObject(“Scripting.FileSystemObject”)
olddate = DateAdd(“d”, –21, date)
WScript.StdOut.WriteLine(“Today is ” & Date & vbCrLf)
WScript.StdOut.WriteLine(“Deleting files unaccessed since ” & olddate)
WScript.StdOut.WriteLine(” “)
WScript.stdout.writeline(“Connecting to FileShare “)
Set folder = fso.GetFolder(“c:\test“) ‘ Get the folder
WScript.StdOut.Writeline(“Getting a List of the Files”)
Set fc = folder.Files
For Each f1 in fc
If f1.DateLastModified < olddate Then
WScript.StdOut.WriteLine(“Removing: ” & f1.DateLastModified & vbtab &
End If
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