In this short blog post I will go through the process of configuring a timeout limit on your Azure Portal sessions so that after a certain time of inactivity you’re logged out automatically. By default, the configuration is set to never sign out, however your admin may have setup a limit at the directory level. More on this as we go through this blog post.
The inactivity timeout setting helps to protect resources from unauthorised access if you forget to secure your workstation. After you have been idle for a while, you are automatically signed out of your Azure portal session.
- Logon to the Azure portal at
- Click on the cog icon (Settings) available at the top pane in your Azure portal session

3. Click Signing out + notifications

4. Use the drop down under Sign me out when inactive

5. Select the timeout limit. In this example I have selected 15 minutes

If your admin has enabled an inactivity timeout policy, you can still set your own, as long as it’s shorter than the directory level setting. To do so, select override the directory inactivity timeout policy, then enter a time interval for the Override value.
If the admin has configured a timeout policy at the directory level, the below will be visible to you. In the example below, the admin has enforced an inactivity timeout of 15 minutes, therefore setting a timeout of 20 minutes is not possible, however 10 minutes is.

Hope this helps and please don’t forget to subscribe to stay up to date on the latest blog posts.