1) Click Catalog on the top menu.
2) Select Product Types from the dropdown menu
3) Select Products General (or the product type you are customising).
4) Click Edit Layout and turn off by selecting false
Zen Cart
Zen Cart – Product disappears when sold out
When the remaining product is purchased, for example your last keyboard, the quantity changes from 1 to 0 but you find that the product disappears from the website and not marked as sold out.
To enable this:
Always take a backup of your database
1) Go to configuration
2) Click Stock
3) Set the following option to ‘Product Status in Catalog when Out of stock should be set to’ = 1 Leave Product Status On
4) Show sold Out image in place of Add to cart = 1
Installing Google Analytics to Zen Cart Site
Take a backup before making any changes
1) Locate the file tpl_main_page.php at /includes/templates/custom/common (Custom being your theme folder name)
2) Scroll to the bottom and add your Google tracking code before </body>
Example below.
<!–eof- banner #6 display –>
Google Analytics code goes here
You must spend at least £ to redeem this coupon – Zencart v1.5
Customers receive the message above when entering a coupon code even though they have spent more than the miniumum amount.
Replace the file /includes/modules/order_total/ot_coupon.php with the one located here ot_coupon Zen cart v15
Source and for further info visit: http://www.zen-cart.com/showthread.php?195561-Discount-Coupon-Restrictions-question/page2
Always backup your site before making changes
Disable backorder – Zen Cart
When a customer purchases a number of the same item but there is not enough in stock, the customer receives the below message but allowed to continue to checkout.
Products marked with *** are out of stock.
Items not in stock will be placed on backorder
1) Login to your Zen Cart admin panel
2) Access the configuration menu
3) Click on Stock
4) Amend ‘Allow Checkout’ to FALSE