Authentication Error Has Occurred. The function requested is not supported

Reading Time: < 1 minute

When attempting to RDP to a server, you may receive the below error:

Authentication Error Has Occurred. The function requested is not supported

There are a couple of ways you can resolve this issue:

Option 1:
1) Click start, click run, type gpedit.msc and click ok
2) Browse to Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > System > Credentials Delegation > Encryption Oracle Remediation
3) Within Encryption Oracle Remediation click enable and change protection level to Vulnerable and click apply

Option 2:
1) Click start
2) Locate My Computer or This PC depending on your OS version
3) Right click and click properties
4) Click advanced system settings
5) Click the Remote tab
6) Untick the box ‘Allow connections only from computers running remote desktop with network level authentication’
7) Click ok

Migrate FSMO roles from 2008 to 2012 Server

Reading Time: 2 minutesTake a system state backup of the DC’s which hold your FSMO roles, just incase. Always good practice to take a backup.

In this example, we are migrating FSMO roles from 2008 DC to 2012 DC

1) Locate where your FSMO roles are located. Logon to a DC, open command prompt and type, netdom query fmso
Depending on the size of your environment your FSMO roles may be split as show below:

The roles are:

Split 1
RID pool manager
Infrastructure Master

Split 2:
Domain Naming Master
Schema Master

Transfer: PDC, RID pool manager, Infrastructure Master

1) Logon to the DC2012 as domain administrator and ensure the account has schema admin rights, else when you get to the schema master migration, the button will be greyed out.
2) Launch Active Directory Users and Computers
3) Right click on yourdomain.local and click Operations Masters
4) Click on the PDC tab, click the change button to change the role to 2012DC
5) Click Yes to confirm when prompted
6) Confirm the text box now shows DC2012 as new owner of PDC role
7) Repeat the same steps above for RID and Infrastructure Roles

Transfer: Domain Naming Master

1) Logon to 2012DC as domain administrator. If you’re placing all roles on the same server you will already be logged onto this server. If you are separating Domain Naming Master and Schema Master role, logon to
2) Launch Active Directory Domains and Trusts
3) Right click on Active Directory Domains and Trusts and click Operations Masters
4) Click change and select new 2012 DC, click Yes to confirm.
5) Confirm the role has changed

Transfer: Schema Master

1) Logon to your 2012 DC as domain administrator
2) click run and type: regsvr32 schmmgmt.dll
3) Click ok and you should be prompted with ‘DllRegisterServer in schmmgmt.dll succeeded’
4) Click ok
5) Launch mmc from run (Click start, run, and type mmc, click ok)
6) Click Add/Remove Snap-In from file menu
7) Select to highlight Active Directory Schema and click the add button
8) Click OK
9) Right click Active Directory Schema and click Change Active Directory Domain Controller
10) Select New 2012 DC and click OK
11) An information box will appear including a message ‘Active Directory Schema snap-in is not connected to the schema operations master…..) Click OK to this message
12) Right click Active Directory Schema and click Operations Master
13) Click change and select new 2012 DC
14) Click Yes to confirm go ahead
15) Confirm schema server now showing as new 2012 DC

Run command netdom query fmso to confirm location of FSMO roles

It will take time for data to copy around so do not decom old DC straightaway.

No disks suitable for cluster disks were found – 2008 Windows Cluster

Reading Time: < 1 minuteYou wish to add a new disk to your Windows 2008 cluster, but receive the below error:

‘No disks suitable for cluster disks were found, for diagnostic information about disks available to the cluster, use the  validate a configuration wizard to run storage tests’

The answer is actually within the error itself, but may not be that clear.

To resolve this issue run the validate a configuration wizard and try adding the disk again. The disk should appear.

Clients not updating DNS settings from DHCP

Reading Time: < 1 minuteYou have migrated your DHCP role to a different server. For example, from a Windows 2003 to a 2008 server and you have reconfigured the DNS entries so clients are issued with new DNS server addresses.

You have disabled the scopes on the old DHCP server and unauthorised the server as a DHCP server.

You find that your clients are being assigned ip addresses from the new DHCP server but the DNS entries are still set to the old ones.

This is an odd fix, but you will find that disabling the DHCP service or uninstalling DHCP from the old server, will resolve the issue.

Disable the DHCP server service from the old DHCP server and let us know how you get on with this fix by commenting below