Part 9: Terraform with Azure – Deploy a VNET and Subnet

Reading Time: 5 minutes

My journey learning Terraform to deploy workloads in Microsoft Azure continues. If you missed the previous posts, please visit the links below.

Part 1: Terraform with Azure – How to install Terraform
Part 2: Terraform with Azure – How to install Azure cli
Part 3: Terraform with Azure – How to Install Visual Studio Code
Part 4: Terraform with Azure – How to install Azure Terraform Plugin in Visual Studio Code
Part 5: Terraform with Azure – Install Git and initialise repository
Part 6: Terraform with Azure – Deploy resources in Azure
Part 7: Terraform with Azure – Deploy a variables file in Terraform
Part 8: Terraform with Azure – Deploy terraform.tfvars file

In this blog post I will go through the process of deploying a VNET, Subnet and a NSG in Azure.

Terraform documentation is great to get started with deploying resources in Microsoft Azure. Check out the following Terraform link for sample code – Docs overview | Terraform Registry

Let’s get started,

  1. Access the Terraform Registry website and locate virtual network – Terraform Virtual Network
  2. Below is the sample code provided by Terraform (link provided in step 1 above). I don’t require the resource group block as I have created one as part of my previous blog post, therefore, it has been removed from the code below.
resource "azurerm_network_security_group" "example" {
  name                = "example-security-group"
  location            = azurerm_resource_group.example.location
  resource_group_name =

resource "azurerm_virtual_network" "example" {
  name                = "example-network"
  location            = azurerm_resource_group.example.location
  resource_group_name =
  address_space       = [""]
  dns_servers         = ["", ""]

  subnet {
    name           = "subnet1"
    address_prefix = ""

  subnet {
    name           = "subnet2"
    address_prefix = ""
    security_group =

  tags = {
    environment = "Production"

3. I will replace some of the code so it fits with what what I am doing, such as to include my existing resource group, location (UK South) and to make use of additional variables.

I’ll work through each block of code starting with the Network Security Group (NSG)

  • Line 2: I replace “example”, with “demo”
  • Line 3: I create a variable in my file and include the value in my terraform.tfvars file. I then replace “example-security-group” with my newly created variable.
  • Line 4: I use an existing variable I created in a previous blog post
  • Line 5: I use an existing variable I created in a previous blog post
1. #Create Network Security Group (NSG)
2. resource "azurerm_network_security_group" "demo" {
3. name                = var.nsg_name
4.  location            = resource_group_location
5.  resource_group_name = resource_group_name

Below are screenshots of my and terraform.tfvars file

4. Save changes. I move onto the next block of code I copied from the Terraform website. The virtual network (VNET),

  • Line 2: Replace “example” with “demo”
  • Line 3: Create a variable for network name, I replace “example network” with var.network_name
  • Line 4: I use my existing resource group location variable
  • Line 5: I use my existing resource group name variable
  • Line 7: I remove dns_server as I won’t need these for now
  • Line 10: I replace the name “subnet1” with a newly created variable var.subnet_name
  • Line 12: I replace “” replacing with
1.# Create virtual network and address space IP address
2: resource "azurerm_virtual_network" "demo" {
3: name                = var.network_name
4: location            = var.resource_group_location
5: resource_group_name = var.resource_group_name
6: address_space       = [""]
7: dns_servers         = ["", ""]
9:  subnet {
10:  name           = var.subnet_name
11: address_prefix = ""
12. security_group =

5. I’ll make use of tags, so add a tag named demo

tags = {
    environment = "demo"

My and terraform.tfvars file below,

6. Before continuing I’ll commit the changes to Git. Note that Git is not a requirement to deploy resources in Azure, but a great versioning tool that is popular. I covered Git in previous blog posts. Continue to step 7 if you do not wish to commit changes to the local Git repository.

  • Execute the command below
git stage .
  • To confirm the files have been staged, type the command below and press enter,
git status
  • Type a short but meaningful description of your choice
git commit -m "Added VNET Subnet and NSG"
  • Finally, the below command to list your commits
git log --oneline

7. Save. Next i run terraform validate to check for errors

Looks good

8. Next, I run terraform plan and the output is shown below,

9. Click save. Next, I run terraform apply, review and then type ‘yes’ to allow Terraform to continue.

10. I log into the Azure Portal and access my resource group, I have a new Virtual Network and Network Security Group located in region UK South.

I click on the new virtual network demo-vnet1, click subnets, and I see my subnet.

I click on demo_subnetA and can see my NSG (ng1demo) attached to demo_subnetA

Finally, here is my tag. I used the name demo

That’s it for now

I hope the journey has been useful to allow you to get started with Terraform.

Thanks for following

Part 8: Terraform with Azure – Deploy terraform.tfvars file

Reading Time: 5 minutes

My journey learning Terraform to allow me to deploy workloads into Microsoft Azure continues. If you missed the previous posts, please visit the links below.

Part 1: Terraform with Azure – How to install Terraform
Part 2: Terraform with Azure – How to install Azure cli
Part 3: Terraform with Azure – How to Install Visual Studio Code
Part 4: Terraform with Azure – How to install Azure Terraform Plugin in Visual Studio Code
Part 5: Terraform with Azure – Install Git and initialise repository
Part 6: Terraform with Azure – Deploy resources in Azure
Part 7: Terraform with Azure – Deploy a variables file in Terraform

Did you know:
A sub directory in Terraform is known as a module. Terraform will only process the *.tf files located in the folder where you run the command terraform plan. If you would like to include configuration from sub directories, then you use the module syntax. For example, If I have a sub directory named networking, which contains my azure network configuration, I can import the networking directory into my working config directory by specifying the below command. We’ll cover more on this as we move on.

module "my_network" {
  source = "./networking"

In this blog post I go through the process of compiling a .tfvars file, but before I continue,

What is a .tfvars file?

This is a confusing topic as terraform.tfvars and serve a similar role, as in both are variable files. However, a tfvars file stores the default values from a file and allows you to override values if required. Still a little confusing, right? Let’s try to work this out by discussing why we would use a tfvars files.

You could create tfvars files to deploy into multiple environments such as prod.tfvars and dev.tfvars. Therefore, the .tf files would hold the default settings that are common among all configurations but the tfvars files could hold different values. Another example of when you could make use of a tfvars file is for applications which have their own unique settings.

Something else to note, Terraform will automatically load the variables from a tfvars file if it’s named terraform.tfvars or *.auto.tfvars and placed in the same directory as your Terraform configuration file. If you wish to execute different named tfvars files, such as, prod.tfvars, staging.tfvars, test.tfvars etc, you can specify a custom tfvars file using the command line parameter -var-file and then specify the path to a variable file. I have specified examples below,

terraform plan -var-file="prod.tfvars"


terraform plan -var-file="app1.tfvars"

So custom named tfvars files can be called upon based on the platform you are deploying to.

Let’s get started from where we left in Part 7. We removed the default values from the file, this action resulted in terraform prompting for values when we executed the command terraform plan.

  1. Create a new file named terraform.tfvars

  2. I have loaded both and the newly created terraform.tfvars file in a split screen as seen below.

3. In the previous blog post, I removed the default values. For the purpose of this demo, I have hashed the default values as per the screen shot above. If you removed the default values from the file, your file will look similar to the one below.

variable "resource_group_name" {
   type = string
  description = "Azure Resource Group Name"

variable "resource_group_location" {
   type = string
  description = "Azure Resource Group location"

4. I will now copy the text resource_group_name and resource_group_location to the newly created terraform.tfvars file.

5. Next, I input the values for the variables I have copied to the terraform.tfvars file.

My terraform.tfvars file code below,

resource_group_name = "RG-DEMO-PROD1"
resource_group_location = "UK South"

6. Save changes. Next we run terraform plan. Terraform should no longer prompt us to input default values, instead Terraform will automatically recognise the terraform.tfvars file and apply the values. We named the file terraform.tfvars, therefore, the file will be loaded automatically.

If there was a requirement to run a different named tfvars file such as prod.tfvars, you would specify a command after terraform -plan


terraform plan -var-file="prod.tfvars"

Type terraform plan -h for a list of available commands

Back to deploying our resource group using the terraform.tfvars file, let’s give it a go. The results are as expected. Terraform has recognised the terraform.tfvars file and not prompted us to insert values manually.

A terraform.tfstate.backup file is created automatically in case the state file is lost or corrupted and simplifies recovery if needed.

7. So we executed terraform plan and the output shows that our tfvars file was successfully picked up and the values processed by Terraform. Next, we run terraform apply. Review and input ‘yes’

Let’s visit the Azure Portal. The resource group was created successfully.

8. Next, I would like to override a value within the tfvars file, for example, I want to create a resource group but with a name different to the one specified in the terraform.tfvars file. As per the below, my resource group is RG-DEMO-PROD1 and variable name is resource_group_name.

resource_group_name = "RG-DEMO-PROD1"
resource_group_location = "UK South"

9. I type the command below to override the tfvars file for variable resource_group_name. I specify the resource group NEW-RG.

terraform plan -var "resource_group_name=NEW-RG"

10. The result, Terraform reports that the resource group I created earlier will be replaced with the new resource group specified in the command I executed. The old group will be destroyed. I won’t be applying the command below as I only wanted to try out the variable over ride command.

Access the next blog post for part 9, where I deploy a VNET, Subnet, NSG and a tag in Azure. Part 9: Terraform with Azure – Deploy a VNET and Subnet

Thanks for following

Part 7: Terraform with Azure – Deploy a variables file in Terraform

Reading Time: 8 minutes

My journey learning Terraform to allow me to deploy workloads into Microsoft Azure continues. If you missed the previous posts, please visit the links below.

Part 1: Terraform with Azure – How to install Terraform
Part 2: Terraform with Azure – How to install Azure cli
Part 3: Terraform with Azure – How to Install Visual Studio Code
Part 4: Terraform with Azure – How to install Azure Terraform Plugin in Visual Studio Code
Part 5: Terraform with Azure – Install Git and initialise repository
Part 6: Terraform with Azure – Deploy resources in Azure

Did you know;
1. Terraform is natively available for you to use in the Azure Cloud shell, no installation required.

2.There is a strong relationship between Microsoft and Harshicorp. Microsoft have their own terraform dev team who work closely with Hashicorp.

3. The Terraform registry website includes documentation with sample code so you can get started with deploying resources into Azure quickly.

Part 6 of this blog series involved the deployment of a resource group into Azure using Terraform. In this blog post I go through the process of compiling a variables file.

What is a terraform variables file?

A variables file allows you to write configuration that is easier to re-use as variables can replace hard coded values. It’s ok to use hard coded values if you’re only going to deploy a resource once, however if you wish to deploy a template into different platforms, such as dev, test and production platforms, a variables file would save you the time going through and changing your code. Instead, amending the code in the variables file would be much more convenient.

If i specified the location of UK South throughout my file and then decided to deploy the same resources to a different location using the same code in the future, I would have to replace the location throughout my code. The advantage of the variables file is that I only replace the location once as the file is referencing the variable specified in the variables file.

Below is the code I compiled and deployed to create a resource group in Part 6 of this blog series.

# Create a resource group
resource "azurerm_resource_group" "demo" {
  name     = "CloudBuild-RG1"
  location = "UK South"

For now, I will create a variables file including parameters for the location “UK South” and the name of the resource group “CloudBuild-RG1”. I will then replace these default names in my file, with the name of the variables. Let’s get started.

  1. Create a new file named (The file doesn’t have to be named Terraform scans all files, therefore, will pick up a variables file with a different name.

Note: Notice the green letter “U” by the side of the new file I created? This indicates the file is untracked as I have not committed this version to Git. You’ll also come across the letter “M” which means modified.

2. I now input two variables, my resource group (“CloudBuild-RG1”) and the location of the resource group (“UK South”) as seen in the code below, click save.

When there is a requirement to specify CloudBuild-RG1 in my code, I will instead input the variable name of var.resource_group_name and var.resource_group_location for the resource group location.

variable "resource_group_name" {
  default = "CloudBuild-RG1"
  type = string
  description = "Azure Resource Group Name"

variable "resource_group_location" {
  default = "UK South"
  type = string
  description = "Azure Resource Group location"

There are various options available when specifying a ‘type’ value. Further details can be located at the following Terraform link, Types and Values – Configuration Language | Terraform by HashiCorp

3. Next I access the file and replace location “UK South” with the new variable name var.resource_group_location (var = variable). I also replace the resource group “CloudBuild-RG1” to var.resource_group_name.

Below is a copy of my variables file,

variable "resource_group_name" {
  default = "CloudBuild-RG1"
  type = string
  description = "Azure Resource Group Name"

variable "resource_group_location" {
  default = "uksouth"
  type = string
  description = "Azure Resource Group location"

and below is a copy of my file. Variable names highlighted below.

terraform {
  required_providers {
    azurerm = {
      source = "hashicorp/azurerm"
      version = "2.95.0"

# Configure the Microsoft Azure Provider
provider "azurerm" {
  features {}

# Create a resource group
resource "azurerm_resource_group" "demo" {
  name     = var.resource_group_name
  location = var.resource_group_location

4. Next, i run terraform plan and the results are as expected, no changes will be deployed to Azure as there is nothing further to deploy.

5. Next, as an experiment, I amend my file as per the below. I rename RG1 to RG2, and save. I am not amending the code included in file

 Before: default = “CloudBuild-RG1
 After: default = “CloudBuild-RG2

What do you think the result will be when I run terraform plan?

The resource group can not be renamed, therefore, if the changes were executed, Terraform would destroy resource CloudBuild-RG1 and create a new resource group CloudBuild-RG2.

As you can see from the terraform plan output below, one resource will be added and one destroyed. Not something you would want to perform in production without prior planning/testing!

6. Next, I apply the changes by running terraform apply

Before running terraform apply, I have resource group CloudBuild-RG1 which I deployed via Terraform in part 6 of this blog series. See image below.

After running terraform apply, RG1 has been deleted and a new group ending RG2 deployed. Terraform warns me of the changes I am about to execute, giving me another opportunity to review what will change.

Note: it may take up to 30 seconds before the changes appear in the Azure portal. Click the refresh button.

The result as per the image below. Resource group ending RG1 has gone and RG2 deployed.

You can add new variables to your file as and when required. We’ll continue making use of variables as we move on and deploy resources in Azure.

7. Before moving to the next task, I run command terraform destroy which will remove what I have deployed so far, that’s the resource group CloudBuild-RG2.

Reminder: you can always validate your code for errors by using command terraform validate so I would recommend making use of this command as your code grows.

Another quick note, you may have noticed a file named appear for a short while as you execute Terraform code.

What is
“If supported by your backend, Terraform will lock your state for all operations that could write state. This prevents others from acquiring the lock and potentially corrupting your state. State locking happens automatically on all operations that could write state. You won’t see any message that it is happening.” Source: Terraform

Back to the command terraform destroy, I run this command and as expected Terraform prompts the changes which will be carried as per the image below. My resource group will be deleted.

8. Type ‘Yes’ to confirm, and after a few seconds, the result.

9. Back to the Azure Portal, browse to resource groups, and a couple of clicks of the refresh button, the resource group has gone. The tfstate file is automatically updated to reflect the changes so if I was to run terraform apply again, the resource group we just destroyed would be recreated.

10. Back to the file, let’s perform another task, what if I did not create a default value in my variables file as shown in the code below? At the moment, I have default values, so for example, if I use the variable var.resource_group_name in my file, the default value of CloudBuild-RG1 will always apply as that’s what I specified in my variables file. The same would apply for the resource group location.

variable “resource_group_name” {
default = “CloudBuild-RG2”
type = string
description = “Azure Resource Group Name”

variable “resource_group_location” {
#default = “uksouth”
type = string
description = “Azure Resource Group location”

11. In the next task, I remove the default values so the variables file appears as the one below. I have removed the line that applies a default value.

variable "resource_group_name" {
  type = string
  description = "Azure Resource Group Name"

variable "resource_group_location" {
  type = string
  description = "Azure Resource Group location"

Note: you could also add a # to the beginning of the code so it’s ignore at the time of execution, for example, #default = “CloudBuild-RG2”

12. Save and run the command terraform validate. The configuration is valid.

13. Next, I run terraform plan (This command outputs what Terraform would execute if you were to apply the changes). Ensure you have saved your variables file. Again, as I execute the command, the terraform state lock file will appear temporarily and then disappear.

Tip: you can press the up arrow key on your keyboard to revisit previous commands you have executed.

Reminder: you can use command clear to empty your terminal of previous code.

After running terraform plan, Terraform is not able to locate a default value as I removed the value from my variables file. Terraform prompts for a value, the Azure Resource Group Location as shown below,

I enter uksouth as that’s the Azure region where I wish to deploy my resource group,

14. I am then prompted for a value for my resource group name, I enter, demo-RG1

Note: Terraform will not run the command in the order you specify, however, it will execute the code depending on what is required to be deployed first in Azure.

15. Terraform runs through the plan and provides an output,

A number of services in Azure require a unique name. For example, a storage account name has to be globally unique, therefore you will only be allowed to create that storage account once. Therefore, a variable would be ideal.

I hope this has been useful. Please feel free to comment below with feedback or any additional information you feel I may have missed out.

In the next blog post I go through the process of compiling a terraform.tfvars file – click the link below to continue,

Part 8: Terraform with Azure – Deploy a terraform.tfvars file

Don’t forget to subscribe to new posts and thank you for following.

Part 6: Terraform with Azure – Deploy resources in Azure

Reading Time: 7 minutes

My journey learning Terraform to allow me to deploy workloads into Microsoft Azure continues. If you missed the previous posts, please visit the links below.

Part 1: Terraform with Azure – How to install Terraform
Part 2: Terraform with Azure – How to install Azure cli
Part 3: Terraform with Azure – How to Install Visual Studio Code
Part 4: Terraform with Azure – How to install Azure Terraform Plugin in Visual Studio Code
Part 5: Terraform with Azure – Install Git and initialise repository

In this blog post I go through the process of initiating Terraform and start the process of deploying workloads in Azure.

  1. Launch VSCode
  2. Create a new file named

3. Next we need to configure the provider. In our case, the provider is Azure. I type the below code in the newly created file, You can also locate the below code from the Terraform Registry website (At the time of writing this blog post the version was 2.95.0). Save the file

terraform {
  required_providers {
    azurerm = {
      source = "hashicorp/azurerm"
      version = "2.95.0"

# Configure the Microsoft Azure Provider
provider "azurerm" {
  features {}

4. Next I add the code to create a new resource group named CloudBuild-RG1 in location UK South. Save the file

# Create a resource group
resource "azurerm_resource_group" "demo" {
  name     = "CloudBuild-RG1"
  location = "UK South"
  • Azurerm is the plugin name. RM stands for resource manager
  • CloudBuild-RG1 is the name of the resource
  • “demo” is the resource group name in Terraform and is what we will refer to when creating the resource group
  • Location is where we will be deploying the resource group. The region being UK South

5. Let’s run the newly created code. But before executing the code, we need to login to Azure. In powershell or the command terminal type the below command and press enter,

az login

6. The above code launches a web page requesting you login to your azure tenant.

Useful commands,
Terraform version – outputs the version of Terraform installed
Clear – Clears the command window
Terraform validate – validates the code and checks for errors
Terraform apply – this command will read your .tf files and apply the changes. Prior to applying Terraform will output the changes and request confirmation before applying.
Terraform plan – this command outputs the changes Terraform will apply and safer to use compared to command Terraform apply
Terraform init – You would run this command the first time you used Terraform within a new directory/project folder, add a new provider or a module.
Terraform destroy – will remove all resources
Terraform fmt – this command will fix the layout of your file so it’s well presented and easy to read.
Terraform help – outputs a full list of commands

7. Next, we need to initialise Terraform. The below command will read from file and load the version of Terraform as specified in the file,

terraform init

A terraform folder is populated in the working folder. This folder contains the required config to allow Terraform to deploy resources in Azure.

8. Before deploying the first resource group via Terraform in Azure, I run a command to confirm what will be deployed (added/destroyed) in Azure. Run the command below and press enter. The output below displays that one resource group will be created in Azure.

terraform plan

9. We’re ready to deploy our resource group in Azure. Type the command below and press enter,

terraform apply

10. Before committing, Terraform will prompt you to check and type ‘yes’ to confirm,

Do you want to perform these actions?
Terraform will perform the actions described above.
Only ‘yes’ will be accepted to approve.

Enter a value:

Note: if you wish to bypass the above prompt, you could add -auto -approve after terraform apply, i.e. terraform apply -auto -approve

11. Review, type yes if all looks good, and press enter. The process to create our new resource group is under way. When complete, you’ll receive an Apply complete message as shown below.

12. Login to the Azure Portal, access resource groups. Click the refresh button if the resource group does not appear.

And here is our newly created resource group in Azure

You may have noticed that Terraform has created a new file name ‘terraform.tfstate, as shown in the screenshot below.

This state is used by Terraform to map real world resources to your configuration, keep track of metadata, and to improve performance for large infrastructures. This state is stored by default in a local file named “terraform. tfstate”, but it can also be stored remotely, which works better in a team environment. Source: Terraform

In simple words, this is a very important file because it includes the state of what you have already deployed into Azure. Note that the state file will only know what you have deployed via Terraform, it has no idea what you may have already deployed manually within the Azure Portal or via any other provider, so it’s recommended that once you start using Terraform, stick to it to avoid potential issues and confusion in the future.

What if there are a couple of you working on the same project, how does the state file work in this scenario? You could use an Azure storage account as a central location for the state file, or a jump box (a central server) from where the team always run Terraform. This server would hold the state file. However, for larger teams it’s recommended to use Terraform Enterprise for advanced features and collaboration.

Note, you can not rename a resource, for example, if I was to rename the resource group name in my file, from CloudBuild-RG1 to CloudBuild-RG2, Terraform would delete CloudBuild-RG1 and create CloudBuild-RG2, so one to watch out for. Give it a try in your lab and don’t forget to run terraform plan to confirm what changes will be performed before applying.

Committing to Git

You may recall we installed Git in part 5 of this series. I will be committing the current version/changes up to now. Note that each time you commit, git takes a snap shot of what the files look like at the time and stores a reference to that snapshot. As additional changes are made to your code, you can continue to commit the changes to Git. To commit to git,

  1. Type the below command and press enter. This will stage all files in the current folder. You can also specify filenames if you don’t wish to commit the complete folder/project, for example git stage index.html
git stage .

2. To confirm the files have been staged, type the command below and press enter,

git status

Note: if you wish to remove the files or a file from the staging area, you can run command, git rm –cached filename (replace filename with the file you wish to unstage or type . to unstage all files.

3. Now it’s time to make our first commit in Git. Type the below command and press enter, (the message in brackets should be short but useful for tracking purposes)

git commit -m "Initial Commit"

4. And here is the result

Note, you can add files you would like Git to ignore by specifying them in the .gitignore file we created in part 5

5. Type git status again and confirm that the output displays nothing to commit.

6. Type the below command to check the history of your current log,

git log

The above output explained: The long number is the unique identifier for the commit. Each commit is associated with a unique identifier. The author name, date and time of the commit is specified. HEAD indicates that this is the latest commit, and master is the branch name. Finally, the description of the commit was ‘initial commit’.

As additional commits are added, the logs may become difficult to read, so a useful command to shorten the logs is,

git log --oneline

There is so much more to learn about Git, so I recommend you pick up a training course and study Git and GitHub further. I will however continue to work with Git, and GitHub in further blog posts.

In the next blog post (Part 7) I compile and explain the purpose of a terraform variables file.

Part 7: Terraform with Azure – Deploy a variables file in Terraform

Part 5: Terraform with Azure – Install Git and initialise repository

Reading Time: 6 minutes

My journey preparing to get started with learning Terraform to allow me to deploy workloads into Microsoft Azure continues. If you missed the previous posts, please visit the links below.

Part 1: Terraform with Azure – How to install Terraform
Part 2: Terraform with Azure – How to install Azure cli
Part 3: Terraform with Azure – How to Install Visual Studio Code
Part 4: Terraform with Azure – How to install Azure Terraform Plugin in Visual Studio Code

In this blog post I go through the process of installing Git, enabling in Visual Studio code and initialise a git repository.

Git is a tool that allows you to create a local repository on your local machine and manages the versions of your files.

GitHub is a cloud hosted solution that will allow you to host your Git repository in the Cloud.

Visual Studio Code also known as VSCode is a code editor which allows users to develop, execute and debug code. There are a range of editor tools available. VS Code is one of the popular ones.

Note, the official Visual Studio Code website states,

VS Code will leverage your machine’s Git installation, so you need to install Git first before you get these features. Make sure you install at least version 2.0.0

However, if Git is not installed, we can still install the software for free from the Git website after the installation of Visual Studio Code.

  1. Visit the download page at Git – Downloads (

At the time of writing this blog post, the latest version of Git for Windows was 2.35.1

2. I’m using a Windows Operating system, therefore the website detects this automatically and displays a download for Windows. Click ‘Download for Windows’

3. Click here to download

4. After download, run the .exe

5. When ready to continue with setup, click next

6. Click next

7. Click Additional icons, this option will add shortcuts to your desktop for easy access. Click Next

8. Click Next

9. We select the default editor. I’ll be selecting Use Visual Studio Code as Git’s default editor

10. Review and click next

11. Review and click next

12. Review and click next

13. Review and click next

14. Review and click next

15. Review and click next

16. Review and click next

17. Review and click next

18. Review and click next

19. Review and click install

20. and we’re done with the installation of Git. Click Finish

21. Launch the Git Bash shortcut available on your desktop

22. To confirm the version installed, type git –version

How to enable Git in Visual Studio Code (VSCode)

In the next part of this blog post, we will go through the process of enabling Git in VSCode

  1. Launch Visual Studio Code
  2. Click File > Preferences >> Settings

3. Type git enabled in the search bar, and if not already enabled select the check box Git: enabled

That’s VSCode configured to use Git.

Next we need to run some basic configuration to setup Git and create a folder for our Terraform project

4. Launch command prompt (cmd.exe) or use Git-bash and type the following commands, replace the fields with your name and email address.

git config –global “

git config –global “Your Name

Now we’ll create a folder for our Terraform project and open the folder in Visual Studio Code.

5. Create a new Project folder on your local machine. For the purpose of this demo, I have created C:\Users\myusername\Projects\Blog-Terraform-Tutorial

6. Launch Visual Studio Code if not already open

7. Click File > Open Folder

8. Browse to the newly created folder and click select. My folder was named Blog-Terraform-Tutorial

9. In Visual Studio Code, click view and enable the option SCM (integrated source control management). Visual Studio Code has integrated source control management (SCM) and includes Git support out-of-the-box.

10. Click the option Initialise Repository

Git is now setup for your new project

11. A .git folder is created within your new project folder. .git is hidden by default due to this folder storing important git related information. However, there may be a requirement to access the folder. You can view the folder in explorer by clicking view and selecting hidden items.

12. The folder will remain hidden within Visual Studio Code by default. To make it visible, back in Visual Studio Code (VSCode) click File > Preferences > Settings and type exclude in the search box. Here is a list of folders hidden in VSCode.

13. Hover over the record **/.git and click the X to delete

14. If the .git folder does not appear, close and relaunch Visual Studio Code

Next, I create a git ignore text file in my local repository (Right click, click new file and name it .gitignore. We’ll be making use of this file later.

What is gitignore?
A gitignore file is a text file you create manually in your repository. The purpose of gitignore is to ensure that certain files which are not tracked by git remain untracked. In most coding projects you will have files that you don’t want to be included in version control, such as build, cache files, etc. Therefore, you can include these files in the .gitignore file which instructs git not to add these excluded files to version control. It’s recommended that a .gitignore file is created after the repository is created.

That’s it for now. I hope you found this blog post useful. Please feel free to comment below if you wish to share any tips.

In the next blog post, I go through the process of deploying the first resources in Azure using Terraform. Check out part 6 at the following link