Add Google Adsense to Dolphin script

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If you own a Dolphin script powered site (version: 6.0.0004) and are wondering how you add Google adsense, see instructions below:

How to add Google Adsense to members page

1) Access templates/tmpl_uni and page_6.html
2) Pate your adsense code below the following line and save:

Adsense code here

How to add Google Adsense to profiles page

1) Access templates/tmpl_uni and page_7.html
2) Paste your adsense code below the following line and save:

Adsense code here

How to add Google Adsense to homepage

1) Access your sites admin area
2) Click tools
3) Click Banners
4) Name your ad and paste Google adsense code
5) Decide where you would like to position banner

How to add Google Adsense to blogs page

1) Access templates/tmpl_uni and page_49.html
2) Paste your adsense code below the following line and save:

Adsense code here

How to add Google Adsense to Group page

1) Access templates/tmpl_uni and page_74.html
2) Paste your adsense code below the following line and save:

Adsense code here

How to add Google Adsense to Group Search page

1) Access templates/tmpl_uni and page_78.html
2) Paste your adsense code below the following line and save:

Adsense code here

How to add Google Adsense to mailbox page

1) Access templates/tmpl_uni and mail_box.html
2) Paste your adsense code below the following line and save:

Adsense code here

11 thoughts on “Add Google Adsense to Dolphin script

  1. i am a beginner in monetizing my blog with Adsense. i still need to learn more about the tips and tricks on Adsense. hopefully i might be able to earn a decent amount of cash on Adsense.

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